{ elliotec }

A Hacker News Reader For No Reason - In 5K of Vanilla JS, HTML, & CSS

November 18, 2017

The title is only half true.

The other night I was thinking about how my experience being fully entrenched in React and the modern JavaScript ecosystem lately might have influenced how I’d write an app by hand in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JS with no libraries or anything.

Within the same hour I was looking at Hacker News and some of it’s reader clients, noting how they all kind of sucked as far as UX (including HN itself - only recently adding comment collapsing and mobile support), and discovered the Hacker News API.

Clearly this presented an opportunity to build my own HN reader in the lightest way I could - fully client side, no libraries, totally vanilla.

So I did it in 2 files, 99 lines of JavaScript, and 99 lines of HTML/CSS.

The files will automatically go through my build script since they’re hosted on this site (as explained here). The JS is only 4.4 KB in the first place, but minifying it and gzipping it brought it down to 1.5 KB which is pretty significant. The HTML file is 3.5 KB minified and gzipped.

I’ll save you the arithmetic, that’s a grand total of 5 KB on the initial load.

Go to A Hacker News Reader For No Reason!

HN App Image



The Code

I wrote the styles in a <style> tag in index.html. Since one of the goals I had with this was to keep it super small and light, I characteristically set an arbitrary limit of lines for myself at a number I figured seemed reasonable to finish it within.

I fudged some of my usual code style guidelines and there were a few times I disrespected the 80-character line rule I prefer to abide by in order to hit the 99 line mark in both files, but nothing too crazy and I’m not crossing any hard bad-practice lines.

You can check out the repo here - but since it’s only 99 lines, I’ve posted the contents of JS file below.

Note the use of several ES6+ features and the resemblance to React and JSX with the templating. Of course, there’s no fancy Virtual DOM or anything here and it’s simply manipulating the DOM as needed. I’m using functional and immutable patterns where applicable, in the parlance of our time.

const hnBaseUrl = 'https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0'
const state = {}
function fetchTopStories() {
  const topStoriesUrl = `${hnBaseUrl}/topstories.json`
  return fetch(topStoriesUrl).then(response => response.json())
    .then((data) => fetchStories(data))
function fetchStories(data) {
  const topStories = data.slice(0, 29)
  const storyIds = topStories.map((storyId) => {
    const storyUrl = `${hnBaseUrl}/item/${storyId}.json`
    return fetch(storyUrl).then((response) => response.json())
      .then((story) => story)
  return Promise.all(storyIds).then((stories) => {
    state.stories = stories
function renderStories(stories) {
  return stories.map((story) => {
    const userUrl = `https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=${story.by}`
    const storyItemUrl = `https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=${story.id}`
    const html = `
      <div class='story' id='${story.id}'>
        <h3 class='title'>
          ${story.url ? `<a href='${story.url}' target='_blank'>${story.title}</a>`
            : `<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick="toggleStoryText('${story.id}')" >${story.title}</a>`}
        <span class='score'> ${story.score} </span> points by
        <a href='${userUrl}' target='_blank' class='story-by'> ${story.by}</a>
        <div class='toggle-view'>
          ${story.kids ? `
            > [toggle ${story.descendants} comments] </span>`
          : '' }
          <a href='${storyItemUrl}' target='_blank' class='hnLink'>[view on HN]</a>
        ${story.text ?
          `<div class='storyText' id='storyText-${story.id}' style='display:none;'>
            ${story.text} </div>` : '' }
        <div id='comments-${story.id}' style='display: block;'></div>
      </div> `
    document.getElementById('hn').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html)
function toggleStoryText(storyId) {
  const storyText = document.getElementById(`storyText-${storyId}`)
  storyText.style.display = (storyText.style.display === 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'
function fetchComments(kids, storyId) {
  const commentIds = kids.split(',')
  const allComments = commentIds.map((commentId) => {
    const commentUrl = `${hnBaseUrl}/item/${commentId}.json`
    return fetch(commentUrl).then((response) => response.json()).then((comment) => comment)
  return Promise.all(allComments).then((comments) => {
    state[storyId] = comments
    renderComments(comments, storyId)
function fetchOrToggleComments(kids, storyId) {
  function toggleAllComments(storyId) {
    const allComments = document.getElementById(`comments-${storyId}`)
    allComments.style.display = (allComments.style.display === 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'
  state[storyId] ? toggleAllComments(storyId) : fetchComments(kids, storyId)
function toggleComment(commentId) {
  const comment = document.getElementById(commentId)
  const toggle = document.getElementById(`toggle-${commentId}`)
  comment.style.display = (comment.style.display === 'block') ? 'none' : 'block'
  toggle.innerHTML = (toggle.innerHTML === '[ - ]') ? '[ + ]' : '[ - ]'
function renderComments(comments, storyId) {
  return comments.map((comment) => {
    const userUrl = `https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=${comment.by}`
    const html = comment.deleted || comment.dead ? '' : `
      <div class='comment'>
        >[ - ]</span>
        <a href='${userUrl}' class='comment-by'> ${comment.by}</a>
        <div id=${comment.id} class='comment-text' style='display:block;'>
      </div> `
    comment.parent == storyId ?
      document.getElementById(`comments-${storyId}`).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html)
      : document.getElementById(comment.parent).insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html)
    if (comment.kids) return fetchComments(comment.kids.toString(), storyId)

There you have it. Maybe someone else will also find a reason to use A Hacker News Reader For No Reason.

Update 2018-03-04: This post has been translated into Russian at clipartmag.com